wire beam antennas
DX4.us is a web-site about wire antenna's. You can find all types of antenna's; quad, moxon, yagi, dipole,
hex-beam, verticals and even mox-quad or quagi. There are a few reasons to use wire antenna's,
they are very light weight; almost stealth, wire is made out of copper, that means losses are lower, easy to travel with and it great fun to build them.

Moxon 6 element
At the moment we do not deliver this antenna.
The moxon 6 element antenna which can be build for 10, 11 or 12 meters
Weight about 10,0 kg, The gain is 9,8 dBi. The Front to Back is good, very closed at the back. And a good band width. Dimensions 6,3 * 4,0 meter, the aluminum boom is only 4,8 meter.
A Big Gun antenna!
Price: euro 240,- plus transport- and PayPal costs, without boom (better buy boom locally otherwise transport costs will be very high).
For the total price, including transport, please fill in the contact-form and we will reply a.s.a.p.